Wednesday, November 9, 2011

HC: One Week at a Time ...

This entire process started with a bottle (actually 3) of wine. During the first bottle the idea was hysterical. ME run? Have you met my lungs, heard my coughs, or seen me grabbing for my inhaler when I laugh too much? Hell, I sound like an old man who has been working in a coal mine his entire life. After the third bottle of wine Abby was going on about how it will help us get in shape and would be easier than working out alone. I finally agreed then went to sleep. After waking up I wondered what I just got myself into.

Although this is only the second week, I am starting to feel good about my decision. I might actually be able to do not only this, but more! Plus it’s nice to have my workout buddy back instead of having creepy muscle heads try to talk to me at the gym. I find myself wanting to do more than the actual running plan, but I know I can save that for later. It’s all about the journey, not just the finish line. Until then, I will take it one week (or bottle) at a time.

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