Wednesday, November 16, 2011

SG: This really is my new normal!?!

As the week began, I found myself unable to even remember the day. The exhaustion of mommyhood with a sick baby finally caught up to me. It's really awful when you have a child that starts to sleep through the night then decides, F-you, I'm going to wake up every other hour for two weeks just to make sure you're still tough.....ugh how I loathe the night,s yet long for them all day! Anyway, Monday, the day I forgot about was supposed to be our first group run. Well, of course I lost my mind and had to bail because I made the plan without remembering whose day it was to watch my little one. No worries, I quickly rescheduled for a run Tuesday night with Jill. As Tuesday came, so did the rain. Can't a girl catch a break, dang! I hurried home after work got things settled and met Jill at the park. Flashlights on, watches set, and off we went! It was the easiest 25 minutes I've had to run thus far. Not because I don't remember it, but because we started talking about our "New Normal" as Jill calls it. The conversation didn't end, and by then end of the run I felt so relieved that I wasn't the only mom who looses her mind and can't remember things, or has a hard time adjusting to this new normal.

My night quickly went and as I thought about my new normal I decided it's time to just accept it! Embrace it, in fact!! So Wednesday I hit the track hard with True. We kicked it up a notch, I got a stitch in my side, and it was certainly the hardest run I've had. It's ok though. My new normal means I accept my new body, work hard to change it, and to be fit in a way that I'm happy with. So, as I kicked my own ass, (and pushed True's on the track) we decide to reward ourselves with a girls night on Friday with plenty of wine and cheese!!!!

Keep it going ladies, we are doing great!!!

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