Sunday, December 11, 2011

HC: The Morning After ...

Woke up this morning and decide to go for a run. Why? It’s the same theory of the best thing to do after a car accident:  Get back in, buckle up, and hit the road! I figured the longer I waited, the harder it would be. Anyway here is my recap of race day:

Woke up early since I couldn’t really sleep the night before. Made sure I had everything I would need for the race then rechecked again another 10 times. Not sure why, but I was VERY nervous. This may sound kinda goofy since it was “only” a 5k but I couldn’t help feeling like I was getting ready for a big test!

My love picked me up, and we were on our way. He even got there early since he knows how much I freak out about getting places on time. Registration time! Got my number strapped on, met up with the ladies, stretched, then it was time to roll.

I wasn’t ready for the congestion caused by so many people in a small amount of space. Zigging and zagging through the crowd definitely added a new challenge to the course. Just when I thought we were in the clear the first bridge came.  I do hate bridges but not as much as my running buddy. She did amazing though! This was perhaps the quickest pace of the whole trip.

After crossing the bridge we turn the corner and hit a water break. Everything is good until I see this.
One huge freakin' hill.

Somehow we managed to make it over and keep going. After more running, comments on how loud our bells (or maybe just us) were, and a couple puffs of the inhaler, we were almost there! My stomach and heart decided to revolt against me but with the help of Smoked Gouda telling me I can do it and the end in sight, we crossed the finish line. Official time- 36:40. Goal for the next 5k is to run the entire time and finish below 35.

This entire experience has given me a new appreciation for my friends (let alone gaining another example of how much they all kick ass) and more importantly more faith in myself. I NEVER thought I would sign up for a race let alone actually finish it! Do I still hate running? YES !!!!!!!!  But now I might hate it just a little bit less.   


  1. I happened upon your blog completely by accident (found JoggingJeans mentioned on Runner's World...JoggingJeans mentioned get the idea). Anyway, I was reading your most recent post and thinking how your description was pretty close to how I would describe the Cincinnati Jingle Bell Run. I scrolled down to the next post, "Betches," and realized that you were talking about that race! I'm new to living in Cincinnati and loved to hear of other wine-drinking, cheese-eating, running women. I actually teach as well. Craziness! Your club rules are hilarious.

  2. Yay! I've been thinking about you girls and hoping all went well! Congrats on your successes!
