Thursday, July 5, 2012

SG: A little update

So, as some may have noticed I haven't posted in quite some time. I was able to run our Jingle Bell Run in December and shortly after fell off the face of the planet. No, I haven't given up or left my fellow drinkers  runners behind. I'm just pregnant,again! I was getting so discourage in December running all the time and not seeing my body loose the baby weight from my little girl (yeah it had only been 5 months) and then low and behold..... I found out we are expecting another little girl! No wonder that jiggle wasn't going any where!
Well no worries, over a few happy hours sobering girls nights I have made a commitment to start running again in March of next year to be ready for a 5k in May. Until then I just get to cheer from the side for Steph and Jill to drink run as fast as they can :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! But I need to know, what is in the water in your neck of the woods?! Babies everywhere!
